Should You Schedule the Baby Shower Before or After the Delivery?
August 13, 2009 by admin
Filed under Baby Shower
Baby shower parties are wonderful opportunities to catch up with friends and family, and celebrate a new life coming in to the world. It allows everyone to help the new mother acquire the needed supplies and accessories to help with her new role in life, and is typically quite an easy party to plan for the host.
One of the biggest initial questions is whether to have the baby shower before or after the birth, and this is the first decision that needs to be made. There are several considerations for both choices; first time parents most likely have no furniture or supplies for the new baby, so planning the baby shower prior to the birth may be best in this case.
However, holding the baby shower party after the birth may be more advantageous because all the guests will have a chance to visit with the new baby. This may also present a perfect opportunity to give more appropriate gifts if the parents choose not to find out the sex of the baby.
Some additional considerations for a baby shower to be held after the birth exist. Although the presence of a new baby could cause some concern, the great news is that baby showers usually don’t last more than 2 or 3 hours at most. Gathering friends and family together all at once to visit with the baby allows the new parents to continue adjusting to their new schedules, and avoid multiple separate visits for a time, at least.
Baby showers held afterward usually are planned a month to 6 weeks after baby is born, to allow mom a chance to adjust appropriately and begin to regain her normal physical appearance. This type of baby shower may also be best for a second or third child, when the parents most likely have many supplies they will need for the first years of baby’s life.
After the birth, the baby becomes the guest of honor; baby showers held before will typically make the mother the center of attention for the day, so considering her personality may also help in making this decision. If she knows the gender and/or has planned for a color scheme or theme for her nursery, planning a baby shower theme that compliments it will also be easier.
Every case is different, as is every mother and child. Either way, the date of the baby shower needs to be determined well ahead of time to allow for proper planning and booking. If the baby shower is to be held before baby arrives, plan for the 7th or 8th month of pregnancy; baby showers held after the birth should be reserved for 4 to 6 weeks after delivery.
It may be beneficial to simply ask the mother when she would prefer to have her own baby shower. She may have a personal preference but will only make it known if asked, so give her the opportunity to have some input on the date of her own baby shower.