Tips On How To Spot The Danger Signs In Your Pregnancy
For many pregnant mothers, the whole gestation period of nine months can be an uncomfortable ordeal. Mildly uncomfortable is OK. But if you’re uncomfortable all the time, this can signify some severe concerns. In any case, your physician will be able to give you answers and tell you if something is wrong or not in your pregnancy. There are several red flags that can alert a pregnant woman to some possible complications in the pregnancy. Here are a few to help you decide whether you need to get an expert opinion. With your baby nestled inside of you, it’s always essential that you err on the side of caution!
One in every two women experience nausea within half a month of their first missed period, which can happen one or more times in the day and keep on until the pregnancy is approximately twelve weeks along. In this case, it may be tough to realize if it’s just nausea caused by increased hormone production, or whether it is something more serious such as hypertension. Go see your physician. They’ll tell you. Don’t be afraid to look weak, when in doing so, you are actually helping yourself and your baby.
Having a serious abdominal or pelvic pain is more than a simple case of gastrointestinal upset. In fact, in the first trimester of your pregnancy, it could be one of the red flags signaling a tubal pregnancy. Basically, a tubal or ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg fastens to the fallopian tube and begins growth, rather than moving to the uterus. If this sort of pains appears later in the pregnancy, it could be a sign that the placenta has detached itself from the uterus.
When you find yourself going through such pain, get medical help immediately. Only a medical expert with the right knowledge and proper tools can tell you if something is wrong. You’re better off going to the doctor than keeping faith in ‘old wives tales’!
Pregnant women tend to get mild fevers quite a lot, which is absolutely normal. But when your fever spikes to more than 100F or 37.8C, then you have to get medical attention. Why? This is because any high fever caused by a viral infection can lead to premature labor, which is dangerous for the baby. However, it does no good to panic. Talk to your doctor on the phone, and ask them for advice.
Toxemia is a condition whereby toxic substances present themselves in the blood stream, and can by diagnosed by blurred eyesight, swelling around the eyes or the face, serious headaches, and in some cases, flashing before the eyes and sharp pains underneath the pregnant mother’s rib cage. The reason behind this could be eclampsia, which is a consequence of hypertension, and is sometimes harmless. The best way to find out is to get some test done.
The fetus starts moving after approximately sixteen to twenty weeks. These movements are felt by the mother every hour. In case the occurrence of these movements subsides or reduces, get on the phone and talk to your physician. There is a likelihood of fetal distress, but only a trained physician will be able to tell you after performing an ultrasound.
If bleeding or spotting occurs from the vagina before eight and a half months of the gestation period, get yourself to the hospital right away for some tests. This may mean that the amniotic sac has detached from the uterus, and should be sorted out fast! If you feel fluids leaking out, it is because you ‘water has broken’ and you should also get this checked out fast especially if it happens more than two weeks before the baby is due.
If you spot any of these symptoms, get yourself checked out as soon as possible. After all, most matters can be tackled with no long-term consequences if you deal with them at the right time, which is, of course, immediately!